COREN is committed to introduce the most delicious, safest and healthiest Spanish products to Hong Kong and China. COREN not only selects the most delicious products but also the safest products and never lowers its standard which ensures the quality of food. With 50 years in Spain, COREN’s production has been gradually diversified, giving it an important position in the poultry, pork and beef market. It is the pioneer in product appearance and quality in this industry. According to the consumers' needs, COREN provides high quality products. COREN is the first company in Spain which obtained “Certificación Freedom Food”.
Selected pig breed to facilitate fat infiltration. Thanks to this fat infiltration, Selecta meat is juicier, tastier and more marbled, which imbues a more intense flavour and a more tender and juicy texture.
Traditional breeding with maximum animal welfare: the pigs of the Selecta range are raised in Galicia with all the care and attention provided by Coren's farmers, in a peaceful setting - where they have toys and other pleasures - and completely free of stress, which benefits the final product.
Feeding based on Galician chestnuts: the pigs enjoy a completely natural feed based on Galician chestnuts, just like that bringing back the tradition of Galicia.
“The chestnuts used to feed Selecta pigs come entirely from Galicia. COREN harvests the chestnuts in season and then peels, cooks and freezes them, in order to have the nuts available to feed the pigs throughout the year, keeping their nutritional properties intact.”
COREN Chestnut-fed Pigs have been awarded Galicia Quality (Galicia Calidade). It is the quality mark that certifies the level of excellence of the products and / or services which deserve this distinction, because of they have been processed them in Galicia or due to their Galician raw material or design, once this has been so proven by the controls provided.
COREN Chestnut-fed pig won the "Best of the Year", an award in which 10,000 people voted for the best product in this category.
COREN Chestnut-fed Pigs have been certified by International Food Standard(IFS). IFS Food is an international standard for assessing product and process compliance in relation to food safety and quality. The IFS Food standard applies to suppliers at all steps of food processing subsequent to the agricultural stage. It ensures that quality and safety of food suppliers and it have been widely recognized in Europe, especially Germany and France.
Galicia Calidad
Best Product Of The Year
International Food Standard
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